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Les adjectifs possessifs – Possessive Adjectives


A gentle ballad to learn the possessives as well as some concrete examples in context.


Les adjectifs possessifs Possessive Adjectives
Mon, ton, son My, your, his/her (masculine)
Ma, ta, sa My, your, his/her (feminine)
Mes, tes, ses My, your, his/her (plural)
Notre, votre, leur Our, your, their (singular)
Nos, vos, leurs Our, your, their (plural)
Mon papa My dad
Ma maman My mom
Mes parents My parents
Notre famille Our family
Nos amis Our friends
Ton voisin Your neighbor (male)
Ta voisine Your neighbor (female)
Tes cousins Your cousins
Votre copine Your friend (female)
Vos copains Your friends
Son pays His/her country
Sa région His/her region
Ses traditions His/her traditions
Leur quartier Their neighborhood
Leurs magasins Their stores
Mon, ton, son My, your, his/her (masculine)
Ma, ta, sa My, your, his/her (feminine)
Mes, tes, ses My, your, his/her (plural)
Notre, votre, leur Our, your, their (singular)
Nos, vos, leurs Our, your, their (plural)


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